Motor Sports & Accessories: Get Out There and Have Fun
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Motor Sports & Accessories: Get Out There and Have Fun

If you have decided to get into motor sports, you will want to make sure that you have all of the gear and accessories that you need. I am not some kind of expert but I do have some experience of taking part in various motor sports such as track racing in cars and high-speed sailing in a powerboat. My girlfriend introduced me to these activities and I suddenly realised what fun it was when I had a go. It didn't matter that I wasn't very good. I hope you like my blog and that it inspires you to get out there and have some fun.


Motor Sports & Accessories: Get Out There and Have Fun

Marine Exhaust Systems Designs Broken Down for the Amateurs

Jeffrey Gregory

Exhaust systems are critical for the proper functioning of your marine vessel's engine. Every time you power up that engine against strong waves and currents, you push the engine to its limit. This generates heat and unwanted gases that must be released from the engine to keep it running efficiently. On that note, you need a good exhaust system to safeguard your engine's life and manage vibrations. They also come in handy to minimise the noise coming from the boat's engine and optimize fuel economy. The only way you can choose a good exhaust system for your boat is by understanding the design elements. So here is a piece that dives deep into these design elements to help you gain more insight:

It Starts With the Basics

Most marine vessels come with a typical inboard motor connected to a wet exhaust system. The wet exhaust system comprises a dry component fitted between the water injection point and the motor exhaust manifold. The whole dry component is referred to as the mixing elbow. Essentially, the wet exhaust system comes with an enveloping showerhead configuration designed to mix hot gases with cold water. The mixture then leaves the enveloping showerhead via a set of fibre or metallic pipes.

Proper Installation Is Essential

Most marine vessels have their engines installed on the same level as the waterline or below the waterline. The design favours the working on the motors but makes them susceptible to flooding. Usually, flooding happens when water enters indirectly via a siphon or directly through malfunctioning exhaust system components. Therefore, it would help to take several precautions during installation by ensuring your exhaust system complies with regulatory requirements. Proper installation and fitting the exhaust system with anti-siphon valves will also go a long way in reducing the chances of flooding.

Waterlift Muffler Exhaust System

If your boat's engine sits below or at the waterline, you need reliable ways of injecting the water into the exhaust channel while mitigating the risk of that water running back into the engine. A waterlift exhaust system does this well by cooling the exhaust gases in an injection elbow. The elbow angles downwards to prevent the backflow of water. The angle should be sufficient enough to minimize engine overheating but tight enough to keep water from flowing back. Most manufacturers achieve this by having a double jacket around the elbow. The thicker materials also help cushion against abrasion when gases flow through the elbow at high speed.

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